EMDR is a different way of working with distressing memories and traumatic experiences. It is not talk-therapy. Thus, you experience it differently. I have heard many times from people that they don’t want to talk about these experiences at all. EMDR allows you to address these experiences without having to retell them. If you are interested in EMDR, please contact me. I am happy to answer any questions you might have about this treatment.

What is Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing Therapy (EMDR)?

It is an integrative psychotherapy approach that is used to treat many conditions or problems, including post traumatic stress, anxiety, complicated grief, panic attacks, sexual, physical, and emotional abuse, phobias, pain disorders, compulsive behaviors, and disturbing memories.

How does EMDR work?

We don’t know the exact process that occurs neurobiologically in the brain, as with any form of psychotherapy. We do know, however, that when we are in distress or very upset, our brain cannot process information in the usual way. Certain moments can become “frozen in time” or stuck in a feedback loop with images, smells, sounds and feelings that are unchanged, as if we are experiencing the disturbing moment over and over again and for the first time. This frozen memory has an effect on how we view the world and others, thus having a direct impact on our relationships.

EMDR seems to change the way the brain is holding this information, allowing us to process the information (in a way, digesting it) so that it is no longer frozen or stuck. The brain returns to normal processing, and the disturbing moment no longer recurs over and over, as if we are experiencing the disturbance for the first time. We can remember the event, but physiologically, we are holding it in our bodies differently and so we experience it in a less distressing way.

The following video is courtesy of EMDR International Association:


Please contact me for further information or to make an appointment.

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